#merlin & arthur friendship
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abandoneddinosaur · 10 months ago
I go slightly feral over how much Merlin and Arthur love each other. It’s something I don’t think I could ever be normal about
Merlin loves Arthur like it’s the only thing he has. Like, not only would he sacrifice his own life, gladly, happily, easily, to keep Arthur alive and happy, but he’s also willing to sacrifice anyone else too, his own people, Camelot, anything. Because Arthur is the most important and special and wonderful thing in the entire world. He loves Arthur to the point of destruction. It’s the kind of love that says, I will burn the world down for you, without thought, without regret, because you are my everything.
But Arthur, I like to imagine that Arthur loves Merlin to the point of creation. If he found out about Merlin’s magic, all he would want (maybe after some anger) would be to create a world where Merlin can be free. Free and safe and acknowledged for all he has done for Arthur. Because Merlin is kind and wise and funny and he makes Arthur want to be a better person. It’s the kind of love that says, I will create a better world for you, I will make a world that deserves you, because you are my everything.
I suppose they really are just two sides of the same coin
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poisonedfate · 10 months ago
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bbc merlin - 04x02 The Darkest Hour, Part II
2 guys sitting in front of a fire 5 feet away from the sleep squad and -5 feet away from each other, because......well, because they have a real life altering friendship going on
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cynthia39100 · 6 months ago
Look on the bright side. You've still got me.
Is that suppose to cheer me up?
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I thought you were going for a hug.
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I'd do anything for even the vaguest memory. Is that so wrong?
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That's better.
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If I need a servant in the next life...
Don't ask me!
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I know I’m a prince, so we can’t be friends. But if I wasn’t a prince… we could probably get on.
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Are you really going to face this dragon with me?
I'm not going to sit here and watch.
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[Merlin & Arthur S2]
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merlinmylove · 7 days ago
How Sir Leon and Merlin became friends
It’s back in season 1-2 and Sir Leon is on patrol with the Prince and the other knights.
He hears and sees Merlin talk rudely and loudly to his highness, breaking all sorts of decorum, flirting with another knight, (surprisingly Sir Kay doesn’t seem to mind) and spending most of his time feeding the horses treats instead of attending to his duties.
(“There you are horsies, some nice crisp apples for you — I know I know, it’s awfully rude of Arthur to drag you out here in the cold, I hate him too”)
Once they return back to the castle he writes his usual report on the events; cataloging how many bandits they fought, how many lives or equipment lost, who got injured and who took charge. The usual.
He included a simple note on Merlin’s behaviour, and hoped it would be subtle enough that the Prince would take matters into his own hand, and make Merlin stop embarrassing himself and the Prince in the future.
He hands the report over for Arthur to proof read before officially filing it with the other reports. Sir Leon had, perhaps foolishly, thought the prince would appreciate his notice of Merlin’s behaviour but instead Arthur tears the report in half and orders him to:
“Write it again and dont mention Merlin. If you have a problem with him, you come to me. Any slight on his character is a slight to mine, do you understand? He has my absolute trust”
Sir Leon doesn’t understand, not yet anyways.
But nevertheless, he writes a near similar report, no mention of any servants this time around, and His Highness accepts it and files it with the rest.
Over the next few months he tires to observe Merlin and his behaviour around the prince. Just as a precaution! After all, the safety and wellbeing of the Heir to the throne lies with him as knight commander and closest friend.
He notices that Merlin is always the last one to go the bed and the first one up. He singlehanded does all the chores Arthur sets him, even the ones that are beneath him in station, and really is just an embarrassing punishment set by Arthur.
For the godssake they have multiple stable hands and errand boys, Merlin should not be mucking out the horses and running around the castle fetching Arthur’s things.
He seems to sneak out at night to walk an hour to the lake and chat to a woman who lives in it. Leon hides in the bushes as he watch Merlin rant about Arthur’s smelly socks to an apparent goddess.
Merlin is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Helping Gaius and the citizens of the lower town, teaching the young stable boys how to count and write, mending Arthur’s torn clothes, brewing his tea and cooking his food, carrying buckets of water all by himself up ten flights of stairs, changing his bedsheets and polishing his armour.
Leon found himself wondering how the young boy stay so cheerful and kind whilst being so overworked? Does he ever have time to eat or sleep?
But then one night while on guard, Sir Leon would come to truly understanding Merlin. He hears hushed and harsh whisperings around the corner to the royal hall, so he draws his sword and peers around to listen.
It seem Merlin has cornered Lady Celia, and is blocking her path to the Princes chambers.
“Just give the flask to me, and I will tell no one” He demands in a tone of voice Leon had never heard from him before.
“I don’t answer to you, servant! Let me pass, or I shall scream. Then you will see what happens when you try to stop me” Leon didn’t need to see her face to know that she was smirking at him.
“Scream all you want, I don’t care. Arthur will belive me, and I doubt the King will be happy to hear how you tried to poison his son”
“It’s not poison! It’s simply —“
“A lust draft, yes I know. I recognise the colour and fragrance. You bought it three days ago from the traveling merchants. I saw you”
“Oh I see…the little servant fancies himself a spymaster. Stay out of this, or I will make your life a living hell” She sounded entirely too confident and it was starting to grate on Sir Leon’s nerves.
“Doubt you can make it any worse than what Arthur already does” Merlin mumbled, mostly to himself before continuing in a cold levelheaded voice;
“Your plan of seducing the prince and forcing him to marry you out of honour and obligation is disgraceful. I know you’re upset he didn’t dance with you at the winter feast last year — yes I noticed that too! But this is not the way to go about romance. A lust potion will be easily discovered by Gaius and your neck will be on the line. Hand it to me, and I will make sure this never happened”
Leon tightened his grip on his sword as he heard Merlin’s words. To think that someone had planned to accost His Highness tonight and Leon had no idea! He felt shame build up inside him. Lady Cecil’s voice drew him back into focus.
“Oh shut up little cretin! You’re nothing but a lowly servant, who in their right mind would believe your words over that of a Duchess? Your words mean nothing” She sneered.
Sir Leon had heard enough and decided to make his presence known. As he turned around the corner he held his sword drawn.
“But mine does. The King and Prince will belive me when I tell them what happened here tonight.”
Lady Celia drops the flask and it shatters upon impact. A strong aroma of roses and marsipan fills the corridor. She looks ashen and starts shaking.
Merlin on the other hand looks pleasantly surprised at his entrance. His body completely relaxed where he’s stood guarding Arthur’s door. Where the hell are the guards?! Did she get them too, Leon wondered for a second, but he had more pressing concerns at the moment.
“Besides, Merlin is not just a servant, he is the personal servant of the Crown Prince. Furthermore he is well trusted by all the knights and staff. And if you wish to go by social standing and birth…my word as Earl of Blackhall, and Knight Commander of Camelots army trumps yours.”
Merlin allowed a little smile at that.
“Now, if you will follow me my lady, I shall ensure this ends better than it would’ve had you tried to entrap the prince tonight.” It was an order and she knew it.
Lady Celia hmpft and walked ladylike over to him, carefully stepping over the broken glass, and potion soaking the stone floor.
He took her arm, and held it tight. Leon tried to conceal any further disgust with her as he turned to Merlin and asked him to gather as much of the potion as he could. “It will be needed as evidence. And please clean of up afterwards — I’d rather no one else falls under any enchantment”
“Yes, Sir Leon” Merlin said faintly, nodding his head at the older knight.
“And you’d better wake His Highess and alert him” At this simple request Merlin groaned and dropped any sense of dignity and respect.
Kicking his feet in a childlike manner he moaned “Ugh, why can’t you do that? He hates being woken up, and I would know because I wake him up every morning. He’s such an ass when he’s sleepy!”
Sir Leon grimaced as he was all too familiar with Arthur’s morning grumpiness. There’s a reason he always asked someone else to do it. Still, he had to feign some level of decorum.
“Merlin! That is an order. Fetch His Highness and tell him what you discovered. I shall bring Lady Celia to the council chambers and alert the King”
“Alright alright” Merlin huffed and hung his head. “But if he throws something me again, I will say I told you so!”
From this day on, Leon never once doubted Merlin’s character or loyalty towards his prince. He knew that he had finally found a man whom he could trust completely around Arthur…even if he was always late with breakfast.
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ethanscrocs · 5 months ago
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i genuinely can't decide what's funnier
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chillhypocrite · 2 months ago
Life is good when you have a friend you can tell to fuck off whenever they make a good point.
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I don't mind merthur but there's something so special to me about them being just friends and how close they are while still being nothing more. The way they tease each other about relationships and their flaws but still help each other and rely on each other. Idk I think it's really beautiful
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ib3li3v3you · 1 year ago
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The day i stop obsessing over non canon silly gay ships is the day the universe swallows itself whole. That day is not today.
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quotidian-oblivion · 10 months ago
Leon & Merlin fic!
Merlin flung his arms up. “See? This is the acknowledgement I wanted. How much effort does it take to just say that?” He rolled his eyes. Leon pursed his lips. “Well, how long will you be willing to offer your services?” he asked. “You seriously can’t be considering it,” Percival said incredulously. “Why not?” Merlin argued. “I’m happy to be Leon’s temporary servant. Although,” he turned to him, “just pretend it’s a permanent thing to Arthur.” OR Merlin becomes Leon's servant to spite Arthur.
Forgot to inform tumblr XD so here ye go!
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 10 months ago
aside from them never letting anyone who was in on merlin's secret live for long, i feel like the writers knew they couldn't allow lancelot to continue hanging around being merlin's kindest, purest, most supportive and loyal and protective friend because he made arthur look pretty bad by comparison.
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starchaser45 · 4 months ago
The shipping brain rot is real like
one one side my heart was breaking for Morgana because she really trusted Merlin and she was already feeling awful and had no idea what do and blaming Merlin like just talk to her fucker she's your friend
And on the other side I'm going awww he didn't want to hurt her till Arthur was in danger he really loves him and would do anything for him awwwww
Like that's not normal right 😭
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achillesuwu · 2 months ago
I wasn't going to do gwencelot in my "Post return but with King Regent Merlin" because I wanted to explore gwen feeling on Arthur and Lancelot while she lived most of her life without them and married Leon but now that I think about it.
Like Gwen/Leon/Lancelot could be quite a funny ship lmao Like, yeah Arthur is getting with that old man (Merlin), Gwaine is thirsty over his old man (Perceval, maybe idk yet) but here you have Lancelot who sandwiched between two older (like 80 years old in mind) people sjdbshsbvs oh he is NOT coming out of that bedroom in one piece.
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emrys-merlin · 2 years ago
There's a beloved headcanon that Gwaine always knew about Merlin’s magic, and damn, i want to believe it 😞 or at least suspected it.
He literally brought Merlin to the Valley of the Fallen Kings, to the Crystal Cave, in order to retrieve something Merlin claimed would keep him safe in the middle of bandit infested lands.
Gwaine asked no questions and returned to Arthur for the final battle. He either trusted Merlin was on his way to gather a immensely powerful item or had magic. Nothing else could possible make sense.
I don’t know, i just want to believe it because i’m so sad that Gwaine died without knowing it :(
Also, i admit it....i don't like this new fandom headcanon that if Gwaine ever found out about Merlin’s magic he would've betrayed him. Because his loyalty/duty to Arthur is > Merlin's friendship. Nope. This is not Gwaine.
Of course Gwaine is loyal to Arthur. Of course Gwaine cares for Arthur. He's his King. But his loyalty to Arthur wasn't greater than his precious friendship to Merlin. No idea why do people believe that.
It doesn’t matter what Gwaine think about magic and i don’t really care. Gwaine adored Merlin, he would never have done anything to hurt him. He would never have betrayed him.  Not even for the King. Exactly like Lancelot, another loyal knight. Gwaine choosing Merlin over Arthur is not a bad thing and it is not unfair to Arthur
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They are bestie. Nothing can change my mind.
Btw, Eoin Macken once said that Gwaine had an “unrequited love” for Merlin ❤ I love this man.
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ladyofthelake · 11 months ago
Never forget that Arthur found it fucking hilarious when Merlin disrespected him in the beginning 'you can't address me like that' said with a smile like the sun. I bet he thought fucking finally someone is being real with me.
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lavendersins · 1 year ago
Leon, visibly concerned: Is anyone going to check on Merlin?
Arthur, swinging around a mace, not paying attention: What for?
Leon: He's cleaning Excalibur...
Arthur, still not having a care in the world: So? That's his job.
Leon: It's dripping with blood...
Arthur: *stops* ...
Arthur: Are there any guts?
Leon, genuinely disturbed: ... No?
Arthur, happily unconcerned: *continues* Well, then everything's fine.
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toodley · 7 months ago
when i say i want a best friend i mean i want a best friend in the way Sam is Frodo's best friend & Arthur is Merlin's best friend & Peeta is Katniss's best friend. yeah we need to be mutually utterly devoted and ready to sacrifice ourselves for the other at any given moment. no i cannot lower my standards and no i do not accept feedback.
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